Whenever a Pennsylvania news outlet or one of the state's residents requests public information, it could be denied. The person or entity requesting the information does not have to accept this response without further inquiry since the public agency must have a...
Year: 2019
Would alternative dispute resolution work better in your case?
Litigation is not always the best way to resolve a problem you have with another party. Perhaps you tried to work out the issue on your own and think that now, looking for resolution through Pennsylvania's civil courts is the only solution but that may not be true....
3 ways to protect your business against fraud
It’s no secret that owning a business is stressful. While you are juggling responsibilities to keep the doors open and the customers happy, you may not have time to safeguard your business against potential fraud, especially when it comes to employee theft. Each...
Court finds that pharmacy exec violated non-compete agreement
In recent years, non-compete agreements have earned a bad reputation, primarily because they are being overused and are often too broadly written. Major companies are including non-compete agreements as standard clauses in the contracts of even low-level workers. And...
How should a whistleblower report fraud?
Ethical workers who spot fraud within a company or government need to know their rights. Whistleblowers are often conflicted in how to handle sounding the alarm when fraud is identified. Should an employee approach their managers and supervisors, or should an employee...